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Translation Dashboard is a WordPress plugin that manages post and pages translations. Translator Dashboard makes easy to manage manual and automatic translations. Translation Dashboard Integrates Google Translator API to translate automatically.

The Translation Dashboard page is where you can review or edit posts and pages.

There are two main areas:

  • The status bar and the translation buttons.
  • The posts list

The status bar

Translation Dashboard page status bar.

The Translation Dashboard page is the place where you can overview posts and pages and make new translations.

The status bar at the top of the page shows information about posts and pages.

The status bar shows only information for the pair of source and target translation languages. There are four consecutive status for a post: untranslated, automatically translated, draft or translated.

Below the status bar appears the ‘Automatic Translation’ button and the ‘Create Drafts’ button.

‘Automatic translation’ and ‘Create drafts’ button

The posts lists

The Translation Dashboard page contains a posts list. Is a list of posts and pages managed by the Translation Dashboard plugin. You may list by status (untranslated, automatically translated, draft and publish). You may list also by source or target language and also, order alphabetically by source or target, date or mode (manual/automatic).


Each row of the list shows data for a single post or page. You can review or edit them again following the view and edit links. The columns of the list are:

  • Status (untranslated, automatically translated, draft or publish)
  • Mode (auto or manual)
  • Type (post or page)
  • Source post id
  • Source language
  • Source title
  • Source view and edit links
  • Target post id
  • Target language
  • Target title
  • Target view and edit links
  • Source is blocked for new translations
  • Target is blocked for new translations

The list contains only post and pages managed by the plugin. A post or page created before the plugin installation will not appear in this list. But, just editing the post with automatic or manual translation, and saving it, makes the post managed by Translation Dashboard.


Translate a post automatically

Post and pages with status ‘Untranslated’ can be translated. In the Translation Dashboard page click the button ‘Automatic Translation’ to begin a translation process. A summary of the translation process is displayed.

In the example above, only one post is processed with post id 106. The translation process parses all sentences and gets 171 previously translated sentences and sends only 3 untranslated sentences to Google Translator. After automatic translation no post is created yet.

Review sentences translations

As no post or page is created until the draft button is clicked, you can review the translated sentences which are stored in the database or create drafts immediately. The review process is an optional step. If you review an edit translations you can improve new translations that will be reused in future translation of the same post or new posts.

You can review and edit sentences translation in the ‘Sentences’ page.

Manual translations of a post

Manual posts translations are created in a similar way.

Create Drafts

The ‘Create drafts’ button copies the translation to a new post or page. The new post always has status as ‘draft’. You can review, edit and publish the new post from the post editor as usual and the translation process ends.