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A translate process begins in the post editor | es | ca | es

Translate process begins

The translate process begins with the editing of a post ( or page). Edit a new post. Open the post settings.

You can find a Translation Dashboard box in settings.

In the Translation Dashboard box you can select if the post is to be translated.

  • Choose the post or page source language. Default source language is the source language setting.
  • Select automatic or manual translation mode or none. Default translation mode is automatic.
  • You may block a source for translation (Do not check block translation if you want to translate it!). Default is unchecked.
  • Save the post or page to set the settings.

Choose the post or page source language. Select automatic or manual translation or none.


Do not check block translation if you want to translate it!


You can now translate the post from the Translation Dashboard page or do it later. You may leave the translation to an editor or administrator.


Save as untranslated

After clicking the post button ‘Save draft’ or ‘Publish’ the post status is shown as ‘Untranslated’. The source language is also set and the target language is set by default. (See target language settings). Now, You have a post ready to translate.


You can translate the post immediatly from the Translation Dashboard page or do it later as a batch process. You may leave the translation to another user as an editor or administrator.